Smart model portfolios

Unlock investment potential

Smart Investment Management  manages a range of multi-asset multi-currency portfolios, available in GBP, USD and EUR, that can be white-labeled and mapped to your risk profiler or client base.

Assets can include equities, property, fixed interest, absolute return and cash. The higher ratio of equities entails more risk in a portfolio, and higher potential gains. This chart illustrates the indicative asset allocations for each risk profile.

Smartgrowth Portfolios

The Smartgrowth range of portfolios consists of 11 risk-graded portfolios which are designed to deliver a consistent total return commensurate to the level of risk of each portfolio.


To achieve a consistent total return for a given risk profile over the longer term with a focus on preserving capital as well as maximising performance; suitable for clients prepared to invest for a minimum of 5 years who can accept capital value fluctuations in the short to medium term to achieve a higher rate of return over the longer term.


The Smartim investment philosophy is based on the fundamental belief that portfolios should be constructed to deliver consistent risk-adjusted returns and portfolios should be managed within a defined acceptable level of risk with a focus on preserving capital and limiting losses. Smartim are advocates of the power of compounding, where earnings generate even more earnings. Smartim believes that this conservative approach to investing, with a focus on limiting drawdowns and compounding returns, will deliver superior performance over the medium term to long term.


The portfolio uses a multi-asset approach, primarily investing in investment funds to provide exposure to a wide range of asset classes which can include equities, fixed interest, property, commodities, alternatives and cash. This is expected to provide more consistent, risk-adjusted returns over the longer term than a strategy based on a single asset class.

Smart Index Portfolios

There are 11 risk-graded portfolios in the Smart Active Index range, each with the following attributes:


To achieve a consistent total return for a given risk prole over the longer term with a focus on preserving capital as well as maximising performance; suitable for clients prepared to invest for a minimum of 5 years who can accept capital value fluctuations in the short to medium term to achieve a higher rate of return over the longer term.


The Smartim investment philosophy is based on the fundamental belief that portfolios should be constructed to deliver consistent risk-adjusted returns and portfolios should be managed within a defined acceptable level of risk with a focus on preserving capital and limiting losses. Smartim are advocates of the power of compounding, where earnings generate even more earnings. Smartim believes that this conservative approach to investing, with a focus on limiting drawdowns and compounding returns, will deliver superior performance over the medium term to long term.


The portfolio uses a multi-asset approach, primarily investing in investment funds to provide exposure to a wide range of asset classes which can include equities, fixed interest, property, commodities, alternatives and cash. Exposure to these asset classes will be sought predominately, although not exclusively, through low cost beta strategies. Where appropriate, exposure will be taken to active managers.

Smart Income Portfolios

There are three risk-graded portfolios in the Smart Income range, each with the following attributes:


To achieve a consistent total return for a given risk profile over the longer term with a focus on preserving capital as well as maximising performance; suitable for clients prepared to invest for a minimum of 5 years who can accept capital value fluctuations in the short to medium term to achieve a higher rate of return over the longer term.


The portfolio uses a multi-asset approach, primarily investing in investment funds to provide exposure to a wide range of asset classes which can include equities, fixed interest, property, commodities, alternatives and cash. This is expected to provide more consistent, risk-adjusted returns over the longer term than a strategy based on a single asset class.

Smart Absolute Return Portfolios

The Smartim suite of portfolios includes an absolute return model with the following attributes:


To achieve a consistent total return for a given risk profile over the longer term with a focus on preserving capital as well as maximising performance; suitable for clients prepared to invest for a minimum of 5 years who can accept capital value fluctuations in the short to medium term to achieve a higher rate of return over the longer term.


The portfolio uses a multi-asset approach, primarily investing in investment funds to provide exposure to a wide range of asset classes which can include equities, fixed interest, property, commodities, alternatives and cash. This is expected to provide more consistent, risk-adjusted returns over the longer term than a strategy based on a single asset class.

View the Smart Absolute Return GBP fact sheet for more information.

Risk Warnings

Please note that the value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and you may not receive back the amount originally invested. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The investments and investment services referred to on this website are only available through regulated financial advisers and may not be suitable for all investors. If you are unsure as to whether the investments described in this site are suitable for you we recommend you seek professional advice from a financial adviser.