Mark Sanderson
With an established career in financial services, I have extensive senior management experience across several global markets. I have proven expertise in successfully establishing and growing pension businesses in the UK and the Middle East. With in-depth knowledge of the global adviser markets and a thorough understanding of the pensions industry and regulatory framework, I have a keen interest in creating innovative retirement solutions that support an adviser’s business and exceed investors requirements. I am also passionate about education on pension solutions.
Ben Lester
I have over 18 years’ experience in financial services both in the UK and overseas having worked as an adviser for a large international bank as well as for a pension trustee. I have spent a number of years in both the Middle East and Asia and have an in-depth knowledge of the international adviser market. This experience and understanding of financial services has assisted me in delivering solutions that meet client needs. I joined Morningstar Wealth Platform (then Praemium) in early 2016 and am passionate about the proposition in conjunction with building longstanding relationships backed up by great service.
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